When to say I love you

When to say I love you!

What is love? It is hard to define because really it is a feeling and the deepest essence of who we really are. It is the deep feeling and connection you share with another. It is an expression as much as a feeling and it is a way of sharing your feelings openly.

You have been dating for a while and you start to think about how you really feel about  your date and how do they feel about you or wonder if you should tell them how you feel?

Serious Relationship

Your relationship feels comfortable and more serious and is no longer just casual dating. It’s easy to think you feel love early on when you begin dating but this more often than not is infatuation. You can explore how serious you are together by asking questions like: Can I picture a future together?  See how that feels and often you will get a sense of how your date feels too about any sort of a future together by the topics you talk about and your experience of spending time together.

Love from the Heart

So when you feel that your relationship is more serious and you have been together for  at least 2 months or more you might start to be aware of the words, “I love you” rising to the surface. It is important not to over think it because it is about a deep connection from the heart and these words need to be shared from your heart.

You know you feel love when you are able to listen to each other and communicate openly. You are happy spending time together and you care for each other. You feel appreciated and are able to be the ‘real’ you, not pretending to be someone you are not, just to impress. You take an interest in the things that the other is involved in, whether that be work, or hobbies or sports. You feel a deep attraction and connection to each other.

When to say I love you for the first time

Expressing your Love

You might decide choose to express your love on a memorable occasion like a romantic dinner or picnic. Or you might be just in the middle of a conversation one day and those magical words just make a surprise entry.

Sometimes the words just pop out and you hadn’t planned it and that’s okay. It is helpful if you are clear headed, not overly affected by alcohol or in a sexually charged situation. It is best to say the words face to face rather than on the phone or via text or email.

When you listen to your heart and it feels right then that is the time for you. If it feels right then be spontaneous and don’t worry about whether it is too early or too late in the relationship. Having said that, when you express your feelings have no expectation of a response of having those same words said back to you or you might be setting yourself up for disappointment. Everyone says these special words when they feel it is right for them. You have to be able to express your self with no expectation or placing pressure on your partner.

So when do you say I love you? When you have given the relationship time to deepen and grow, you feel a strong connection, you feel happy and you can see both of you together in the future!

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